Project abstract
The IC1207 COST Action PARSEME is an interdisciplinary scientific network devoted to the role of multi-word expressions (MWEs) in parsing.
- It gathers interdisciplinary experts (linguists, computational linguists, computer scientists, psycholinguists, and industrials) from 30 countries which have signed the Memorandum of Understanding.
- It represents 29 languages and 6 dialects from 10 language families.
- It covers different parsing frameworks: CCG (Combinatory Categorial Grammar), DG (Dependancy Grammar), GG (Generative Grammar), HPSG (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar), LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar), TAG (Tree Adjoining Grammar)...
- It addresses different methodologies (symbolic, probabilistic and hybrid parsing) and language technology applications (machine translation, information retrieval...).
Duration: 8 March 2013 – 7 March 2017
PARSEME is structured in 4 Working Groups. Its main activities include scientific meetings, short-term scientific missions, workshops and training schools. It promotes gender balance and it adheres to COST policy in promoting early-stage researchers.
PARSEME is structured in 4 Working Groups. Its main activities include scientific meetings, short-term scientific missions, workshops and training schools. It promotes gender balance and it adheres to COST policy in promoting early-stage researchers.
Steering Committee
- MC chair: Dr Agata Savary (France)
- MC vice-chair: Prof Adam Przepiórkowski (Poland)
- Working Group leaders and vice-leaders:
- WG 1: Prof. Manfred Sailer (Germany), Gyri Smørdal Losnegaard (Norway)
- WG 2: Dr Yannick Parmentier (France), Jakub Waszczuk (France)
- WG 3: Mr Michael Rosner (Malta), Matthieu Constant (France)
- WG 4: Prof. Victoria Rosén (Norway), Petya Osenova (Bulgaria)
- Representatives of Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs): Veronika Vincze (Hungary), substitute to be defined.
- Coordinator of Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs): Cvetana Krstev (Serbia)
- Dissemination Coordinator: Prof Miriam Butt (Germany)